New Zealand Cricket board elects two new directors
Nov 11, 2020

Christchurch [New Zealand], November 11 : Anna Campbell and Rebecca Rolls were elected to the board of New Zealand Cricket (NZC) during its first-ever AGM-by-Zoom conference on Wednesday.
Campbell, a geneticist and the Managing Director of AbacusBio, and Rolls, former White Fern and Football Fern player, are the two new additions to the board.
The two new directors replace outgoing board members Liz Dawson and Don Mackinnon on the eight-strong board, with Diana Puketapu re-elected for a further term.
Campbell has been heavily involved in community cricket, in which she has three children playing, and was formerly on the board of the Otago Cricket Association. She also holds governance roles on the boards of Otago Innovation (the University of Otago commercialisation arm), Genomics Aotearoa, and Otago Boys High School.
On the other hand, Rolls, formerly a member of the White Ferns side which won the World Cup in 2000, also played for the Football Ferns at the London and Rio Olympics and has had a long career in the public service, holding a number of senior leadership roles.
"The meeting heard NZC's budgeted loss for the year of 2.4m New Zealand dollar had been turned into a surplus of 1.5m New Zealand dollar, partly due to a significant reduction in activity because of the onset of COVID-19, along with widespread operational savings across the organisation," NZC said in a statement.
Chief executive David White said NZC had continued to perform well, financially; focussing only on those activities critical to the sustainability of cricket: maintaining support to the cricket community, maintaining team performance, and meeting commercial obligations.
"It was important to close out the year strongly because we understand we will be impacted by the additional costs linked to the pandemic; costs that have been unavoidable if we are to continue delivering international cricket in today's environment," he said.
White said this impact was reflected in the budgeted 3.5m New Zealand dollar loss for the 2020-21 year.
The other main item on the agenda was an amendment to the NZC constitution to strengthen NZC's position in relation to anti-doping requirements and to ensure the organisation's stance is in line with governance best practice. The recommendation was adopted unanimously.
Greg Barclay was returned as chairman at the new board's first meeting immediately following the AGM formalities.
NZC Board: Greg Barclay (chair), Geoff Allott, Anna Campbell, Jackie Lloyd, Kevin Malloy, Diana Puketapu, Rebecca Rolls, Martin Snedden. NZC President: Debbie Hockley.