No plan to allow begging on trains: Railways
Sep 06, 2020

New Delhi [India], September 6 : The Indian Railways on Sunday refuted media reports claiming that it is going to allow begging in trains and at stations.
The Railway issued a statement clarifying that no such proposal is pending before it at present.
"Contrary to certain media reports, there is no proposal to allow begging in trains or stations," the Ministry said through the Twitter handle of its official spokesperson.
Some media reports claimed that changes were going to be made in provisions of The Railway Act, 1989, by which begging at stations and trains would be excluded from the category of crime and would not be penalised.
The Railways, however, clarified that the proposed changes will simplify the procedure and bring several crimes under one section. Therefore, begging on Railway property will still constitute an illegal activity and the ones who are caught can be penalised under the Act.