Number of COVID-19 cases in Saudi Arabia tops 100,000 - Health Ministry

Jun 07, 2020

Riyadh [Saudi Arabia], June 7 (Sputnik/ANI): Saudi Arabia has confirmed 3,045 new cases of the coronavirus over the past 24 hours, down from record 3,121 the day before, which brings the country's cumulative tally to 101,914, the Health Ministry said on Sunday.
The number of those infected in the kingdom has been rising since late May as coronavirus-related restrictions have been gradually lifted.
According to the ministry, the death toll in Saudi Arabia has so far reached 712. At the same time, 72,817 COVID-19 patients have fully recovered.
In late May, officials in Saudi Arabia published proposals to begin a step-by-step easing of lockdown measures until June 21, when curfews put into place to curb the spread of COVID-19 will be lifted in almost all cities. In particular, Saudi mosques have already resumed Friday prayers, a large number of public and private businesses have been allowed to resume activities, and the government has also lifted the ban on domestic flights and interregional travel by any means of transport. (Sputnik/ANI)