Odisha Police seized 1054 quintal of Cannabis in 9 months

Oct 13, 2020

Bhubaneswar (Odisha) [India], October 14 : Odisha Police has seized a total of 1054 quintals (1,05,400 kg) of Ganja/Cannabis in nine months this year from January to September 2020, which is a record seizure, higher than the seizure of any year by Odisha Police.
"Action against drug trafficking remains among the highest priorities of Odisha Government. Accordingly, Odisha Police has accelerated concerted drive against Brown Sugar and Ganja/Cannabis during the current year and has achieved a milestone of seizure of 1054 quintal in January 2020 - September 2020," said a statement from Odisha police.
As per police, the seizure of 618 quintals in 2019 and 523 quintals in 2018 was done by the police department.
"Apart from seizure, Odisha Police has also intensified financial investigation against the organized gangs behind such trafficking in the State" statement added.
As per State Police, During the current year, the maximum seizure has been done from three districts including Koraput 413.14 quintals, Malkangiri 240.66 quintals and Gajapati 126.58 quintals.