One lakh cases settled in Lok Adalat in Delhi
Dec 11, 2021

New Delhi [India], December 11 : Overall 273 Lok Adalat Benches were constituted in Delhi in which 1,05,079 cases were settled and the settlement amount was Rs. 160.46 crore in Lok Adalat held on Saturday.
"In all, 87,573 traffic challans were disposed of in 120 Benches across Delhi and the fine amount was approx. Rs. 84 Lakh," said a press statement.
To bring justice to poor and underprivileged people and to dispose of cases pending in the Courts or at the pre-litigation stage by way of an amicable settlement, DSLSA under the aegis of NALSA and under the guidance of Justice Dhirubhai Naranbhai Patel, Chief Justice, High Court of Delhi and Patron-in-Chief, DSLSA and Justice Vipin Sanghi, Judge, High Court of Delhi & Executive Chairperson, DSLSA organized National Lok Adalat in a hybrid manner in all
District Court Complexes of Delhi on Saturday.
In District Courts complexes, 266 Lok Adalat Benches have constituted wherein a total of 1,03,929 cases which includes 87,030 pre-litigation (including Traffic Challans) and 16,899 pending cases, were disposed of pertaining to the above-mentioned jurisdictions, which were pending at District Courts of Delhi and settlement/fine amount was approx. Rs. 152.98 crores.
Out of the aforesaid data, 480 cases of MACT were settled and the settlement amount was Rs. 37.45 Crores. It is further informed that especially in one MACT case maximum compensation
which was agreed to be paid by the Insurance Company is Rs.95 Lakh.
Lok Adalat bench was also constituted at Delhi High Court, New Delhi where 51 cases were settled and the settlement amount was Rs. 2.01 crores.
Lok Adalat benches were also constituted at District Consumer Forums where 44 cases were settled and the settlement amount was Rs. 72.28 Lakhs.
Further, Lok Adalat benches for settlement of electricity matters were also constituted at Permanent Lok Adalats - I, II, and III, wherein 1055 cases were settled and the settlement amount was Rs. 4.74 Crores.
Kanwal Jeet Arora, Member Secretary, DSLSA personally supervised the working of the Courts and other arrangements at various Court complexes and said, "In order to ensure that opportunity for securing justice is not denied to any citizen by reason of economic or other disabilities. DSLSA organized this Lok Adalat for the disposal of all types of compoundable matters in a hybrid mode for the benefit of people at large."
"We have ensured a smooth and seamless system which is litigant friendly and we aim to dispose of almost 1.5 lakh cases including Traffic Challans," said Member Secretary, DSLSA.