Pak FM Bilawal Bhutto calls India "friend", stutters and corrects it to "neighbouring country"

Mar 11, 2023

New York [US], March 11 : Pakistan Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto referred to India as a "friend" for a brief moment and immediately rephrased his remarks and called India a "neighbouring" country while addressing a press conference on the outcome of the Women in Islam Conference and Commemoration of the First Islamophobia Day, on the sidelines of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW).
While speaking to journalists regarding the Kashmir issue, he said it is an "uphill task" that Pakistan faces to try and get Kashmir to the centre of the agenda at the United Nations.
"Whenever the issue of Kashmir is brought up, our friends....... (imperceptible stuttering )...... within neighbouring countries strongly object, vociferously object," he seemed to be correcting himself.
Bilawal Bhutto addressed India as a "friend" and seemed to rectify his mistake the next moment after a brief smile and unanimously called India a "neighbouring country".
He further alleged, "They (India) perpetuate a post-fact narrative where they try to claim that this is not a dispute for the United Nations, that this is not a disputed territory recognized by the international community."
He blamed India for insisting "counter to the facts, counter to the reality that their usurpation of Kashmir should be endorsed."
"We do find it difficult to get the truth across, we are persistent in our efforts. And at every opportunity, be it at the UN Security Council or at various events that I attend or address or chair, I do make an effort not only to mention the hypocrisy when it comes to applying to the people of Palestine but also to focus on the difficulties faced by the people of Kashmir," he added.