Pakistan: South Waziristan protest against prolonged electricity load-shedding

Mar 23, 2023

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa [Pakistan], March 23 : Locals from the Azam Warsak area in Birmal Tehsil in Lower South Waziristan district on Thursday protested against electricity load-shedding, reported The News International.
They have been protesting for three days and said that the government was providing two hours of electricity to the residents of the Azam Warsak area in Birmal Tehsil.
They said that the people should be provided electricity from the Gomal Zam Dam as per the promises made to them, reported The News.
The protesters said that they would extend the protest to other parts of the district if the government did not meet their demand.
Load-shedding is the interruption of electric supply to avoid excessive load on the generating plant.
The said that Gomal Zam Dam was constructed in the limits of Lower South Waziristan therefore they had the right to get electricity from it, reported The News.
Asian Lite International recently reported that in the past nine years, Pakistan has faced eight major power outages that serve as a warning of the dystopian future that awaits Islamabad.
The people of Pakistan are caught in the middle, unable to understand why the country keeps failing to introduce structural reforms and if they will ever live in a country where there is not a constant threat of power breakdowns, gas outages, and water scarcity.