Pompeo releases Trafficking in Persons report, says US always stood in defence of human rights

Jun 26, 2020

Washington DC [USA], June 26 : US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo on Thursday (local time) released the Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report and said that the United States has "always stood" in defence of human rights "like no other nation".
"There are 25 million adults and children suffering from labour and sex trafficking worldwide. The desecration of the inherent value and immeasurable worth of human beings and for each of us human beings in the face of God makes human trafficking a truly wicked act," Pompeo said at a briefing while releasing the report.
He added, "The United States throughout our history has always stood in defence of human rights like no other nation. America was founded on the promise to uphold rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The Trump administration's work on ending human trafficking is a part of that noble tradition."
The report is divided into Tier-1, Tier-2, Tier-2 watchlist and Tier-3. Countries whose governments fully meet the TVPA's (Trafficking Victims Protection Act) minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking are categorised as Tier-1.
Countries whose governments do not fully meet the TVPA's minimum standards but are making significant efforts to bring themselves into compliance with those standards are put under Tier-2.
Countries whose governments do not fully meet the minimum standards and are not making significant efforts to do so are listed under Tier-3.
Pompeo said that the US denied "certain kinds of assistance" to countries that were ranked in the Tier-3 category -- the lowest possible designation in the TIP report.
"This (Trump) administration has ensured that nearly half a billion dollars is dedicated to fighting both sex and labour trafficking globally," said the Secretary of State.
Pompeo said that 22 countries receiving an upgrade in the TIP report with 13 countries belong to the Sub-Saharan African region. Namibia received the "the best possible" Tier-1 rating and it is the first and only African country to do so since 2012, he added.
"I would also want to recognise Singapore, the newly recognised Tier-1 country and Bolivia for their progress to increase convictions that identify victims among other significant improvements," Pompeo said.
But the top US diplomat has also called out Tier-3 nations like China for its enterprises forcing citizens to "work in horrendous conditions".
Pompeo said that the US would not support any government that subjects its citizen to "this kind of oppression".
"We take government-sponsored trafficking very seriously. It is a perversion for any government's reason for existence to protect rights, not crush them. The US will not stand by as any government with a policy of human trafficking subjects its own citizens to this kind of oppression," he stated.
He said that the US would work to free the people who are victims of trafficking and would punish the tormentors.
"We will work in the US to free those who are still enslaved. We will help restore the lives of those who have been freed and will punish their tormentors," Pompeo said.