Putin says Russia will counter attempts to undermine its potential

May 20, 2021

Moscow [Russia], May 20 (ANI/Sputnik): Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday promised that those attempting to dispossess the country of its resources or undermine its potential will face a severe rebuke if they try.
During a meeting of the Pobeda (Victory) Organizing Committee, a presidential advisory body, earlier in the day, the president noted that as the country grows stronger its opponents find reasons to inhibit its development. The president went on to draw attention to claims about the alleged injustice of Russia being in sole possession of Siberia, a region rich with natural resources.
"Everyone is trying to bite us somewhere or bite something off us, but they should know that those who will try doing that will have their teeth knocked out by us so that they could not bite [anymore]. This is obvious and the development of our armed forces guarantees it," Putin said.
In April, US President Joe Biden asked Congress to provide the Department of Defense with a USD 715 billion budget, specifically citing the alleged need to deter Russia and China. (ANI/Sputnik)