Qatar FM Al Thani reiterates support to Afghanistan

Oct 26, 2022

Doha [Qatar], Oct 26 : Qatar's Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani reiterated to continue providing humanitarian support to Afghanistan but political experts believe that the Arab country seems to be disappointed with the Taliban due to lack of reforms which are desperately needed by Afghanistan to be accepted by the international community.
Al Thani "reiterated" Doha's support with "its responsibilities towards our brothers in Afghanistan," Tolonews reported.
"We reiterate the State of Qatar's commitment to its humanitarian responsibilities towards our brothers in Afghanistan, and our constant keenness and firm position on supporting the Afghan people and their right to live in dignity," he said at a gathering held to celebrate United Nations Day.
But political analysts believe that Qatar has changed its policy towards Afghanistan.
"Today, Qatar seems to be disappointed with the current government. It is concerned that the reforms which are needed in Afghanistan have not been made - reforms that can help Afghanistan be accepted by the international community, to be able to take its seat at the UN," Tolonews quoted Torek Farhadi, a political analyst as saying.
"Over the past several months, (Qatar) has tried to start political negotiations in Afghanistan and to solve the dispute which is not ended and has remained unsolved, and to play an important role in Afghanistan," said Sayed Zia Hossieni, a university instructor.
Qatar provided a political office for the Taliban in 2013, which is still active as the main diplomatic hub between Kabul and international community.
However, the Taliban said that it formed the "Commission for the Return and Communications with Former Afghan Officials and Political Figures" to pave the way for reconciliation in the country.
"To solve the economic and trade challenges and to create relations and accept each other, the Islamic Emirate announced a general amnesty. It also formed the Commission for the Return and Communications with Former Afghan Officials and Political Figures that can solve all the problems that need solutions," Tolonews quoted Bilal Karimi, deputy spokesman of Taliban as saying.