Renowned Afghan singer at Geneva concert highlights importance of cultural diplomacy in today's era
Mar 27, 2022

Geneva [Swizterland], March 27 : Renowned Afghan Singer Farhad Darya chose music to convey the message of peace highlighting the importance of cultural diplomacy in today's era through his band performing live on March 26 in Geneva.
Darya made an emotional appeal to the civilized world to come together and stand with the people of Afghanistan. In his words, he put a strong message by saying that " Afghanistan is neither the sixth finger nor the abandoned child of the world".
Afghan Diaspora members from all over Europe had assembled at the Movenpick Hotel, Geneva to witness the historic concert at Geneva that was named "Music For Conscience."
Although Darya is a popular face amongst Afghans all around the world, this program held at the backdrop of the ongoing UN Human Rights Council (HRC) session was designed to send a message to the people of the West and in Afghanistan.
"Women and young girls experience group rape and physical torture in Afghanistan; there is no respect for basic women's rights or education. Musicians have been tortured, shot, and have been stopped from producing any music at all. The Taliban have been destroying musical instruments and torturing local musicians in public," he said.
He highlighted the atrocities being done on the Afghan people and asked the West to act against the perpetrators sitting across borders as they acted against Russian aggression in Ukraine.
The event was attended by many delegates from the European Union and special representatives from the United Nations including ex-Afghan Parliamentarians and members of the diplomatic community.
Darya's programme conveyed a very powerful message of peace just highlighting the importance of cultural diplomacy in today's era.
The emotional faces of the Afghan Diaspora members during the concert especially during the patriotic songs reflected the emotions of millions of people who lost an entire country overnight.