Russia expresses concern over Afghan situation

Nov 23, 2021

Moscow [Russia], November 23 : Raising concern over the Afghan situation after the Taliban took control of the nation, Deputy Secretary of the Russian Security Council Alexander Grebenkin said that "militants and terrorists" pose a threat to the region.
In an interview with the Rossiiskaya Gazeta, Grebenkin warned that terrorist groups will take advantage of weapons and drug trafficking as well as illegal immigration in the country, reported Tolo News.
"The continuing degradation of the socio-political situation in that country amid the impoverishment of the population and extrajudicial execution of its own nationals creates a real threat of a considerable growth in the trafficking of drugs and weapons, and uncontrolled migration," Grebenkin said.
Meanwhile, the Taliban said that the current economic crisis of Afghanistan may affect the region but there is no security threat to any country from Afghanistan's soil, reported Tolo News.
"The economic and social problems of Afghanistan will have a serious effect on the world but there is no security threat to any country from Afghanistan," said Inamullah Samangani, Deputy Spokesman for the Islamic Emirate.
Political analysts believe that the emergence of the Islamic State (Daesh) in Afghanistan was a new political game regarding Afghanistan, reported Tolo News.
"It is a fact that Daesh exists in Afghanistan. It recruits fighters. This is not only a security threat but will cause a social crisis as well," said Mohammad Sadiq Shinwari, a military analyst.
"Some countries abuse the presence of Daesh for their interests but in the meantime emphasize that Daesh is a threat to the region," said Aziz Maarij, a military analyst.