"Russia is ready for peace but other side...": Envoy Denis Alipov

Aug 28, 2023

New Delhi [India], August 28 : Russia looks towards a peaceful resolution of the conflict with Ukraine but Kyiv has repeatedly said that it is not interested in negotiations with Moscow, according to Ambassador Denis Alipov. 
In an exclusive interview with ANI on Monday, the Russian envoy to India said despite the tense situation prevailing between Russia and Ukraine, Western backers of Ukraine continue to supply it with weapons and military equipment.
“It doesn't leave space towards the resolution and the peace on the ground, the secession of hostilities on the ground,” Alipov said.
"The situation is obviously tense. The fighting continues. We have been very straightforward from the very start that we are open and are looking towards a peaceful resolution of the conflict. However, the Ukrainian side has repeatedly said that it is not interested in negotiations with Russia. The western backers of Ukraine continue to supply Ukraine with weapons and military equipment,” he said.
Alipov further stated that Russia has made it clear that the expansion of NATO eastwards is dangerous and if countries don't come to a mutual understanding then it will give rise to a military conflict. 
"Nobody listened to us. Russia's viewpoint has been dismissed as relevant and now we have the consequence of that adamant position that the West has taken. So it's not that at the moment. It's not that Russia has taken an aggressive position," the envoy said. 
"It is specifically the defensive line that we have been executing. And it is up to the West, it is up to Ukraine to start listening to us and start seriously contemplating the peaceful resolution of the current conflict. We are ready for that. But the other side doesn't seem so," he added. 
He also called out sanctions against Russia as an "economic war" against Russia.
Alipov said, "Despite that (sanctions), the economy is on the rise. The gross domestic product is increasing, the domestic production is on the rise, and the financial situation is stable. Obviously, we've done a great job in securing the stability of the Russian economy, despite the intentions of our adversaries to disrupt it.”
“They do not hide that the purpose is to destroy the economy of the Russian Federation. And in these efforts, they have been very obviously unsuccessful," he said.
"We on our part, have never wanted to isolate ourselves from the rest of the world, from the international economic cooperation. We are open and want to continue, we want to do business and to continue doing business with Europe, with the United States. It's quite the opposite. The Western countries, our traditional partners, have decided to disrupt the relationship. But I believe that the business community and the various Western companies do not want that. But they have been forced to follow the political line. And as we see, the political line of the so-called Western bloc has been faulted, and it will obviously fail in future," Alipov said. 
Meanwhile, asked about Russia’s absence at the recent Jeddah conference, which saw participation by over 40 countries, Alipov said, "The discussions in Jeddah and previously in Copenhagen focused solely on promoting the so-called ten-point formula of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy presented by them as a solution to the conflict.”
“These discussions will not lead to anywhere. Not only because they go on without Russia's participation, we cannot resolve the conflict without Russia and without taking into account and without meeting the legitimate concerns of Russia, but also because this 10-point formula represents a very blunt ultimatum towards Russia."
Senior political officials and National Security Advisors from over 40 countries, including India China, the UK and the US, participated in the two-day conference hosted by Saudi Arabia on August 5-6 to deliberate on a resolution to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
NSA Ajit Doval who participated in the conference had said that India remains an active, willing partner to find a lasting, comprehensive solution to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
A 10-point peace formula first proposed by Zelenskyy at last year’s G20 Summit, which calls for full withdrawal of Russian troops, was among the main issues discussed at the Jeddah meeting.
Russian envoy to India, however, said, "So the formula itself is not the way to resolve the conflict and besides that, Russia did not participate. So such gatherings, if they happen in future will remain futile. This is not the way to find a mutually acceptable solution to the conflict, obviously," Alipov said.