Russia registers 36 ceasefire violations in Syria over 24-hour period

Dec 03, 2020

Moscow [Russia], December 3 (ANI/Sputnik): The Russian side of the Russian-Turkish commission monitoring the implementation of the Syrian truce has registered 36 ceasefire violations in Syria over the past 24 hours, while the Turkish side has registered eight breaches of the truce, the information bulletin of the Russian Defense Ministry said on Thursday.
"The Russian part of the representative office of the joint Russian-Turkish Commission for consideration of issues related to violations of the cessation of hostilities recorded 36 facts of opening fire in the provinces: Aleppo - 2, Latakia - 18, Idlib - 16. The Turkish part of the representation stated 8 facts of opening fire (the Russian part of the representation confirmed - 0)," the bulletin said.
The ministry added that the Center for Reconciliation of Opposing Sides did not conduct humanitarian operations over the given period.
A further 257 Syrian refugees, including 77 women and 132 minors, have returned from Lebanon over the past day through the Jaydet-Yabus and Tell-Kalah checkpoints, the Russian Defense Ministry noted.
Engineering troops from the Syrian armed forces cleared a combined two hectares (4.9 acres) of territory in the provinces of Damascus and Daraa over the past day, the ministry added. They discovered and defused 15 explosive devices. (ANI/Sputnik)