Russia registers 4 ceasefire violations in Syria, Turkey records 5

Jan 24, 2021

Moscow [Russia], January 24 (ANI/Sputnik): The Russian side of the Russian-Turkish commission monitoring the implementation of the Syrian truce has registered four ceasefire violations in Syria over the past 24 hours, while the Turkish side has registered five truce breaches, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Sunday.
"The Russian part of the representative office of the joint Russian-Turkish Commission for consideration of issues related to violations of the cessation of hostilities recorded 4 cases of opening fire in the provinces of Idlib-2, Latakia-1, Aleppo-1. The Turkish part of the representation stated 5 facts of opening fire (the Russian part of the representation confirmed - 0)," the ministry said in its daily bulletin.
The ministry noted that there had been no humanitarian actions by the Center for Reconciliation of Opposing Sides and Refugee Migration Monitoring in Syria in the past 24 hours.
"Over the past 24 hours, 58 refugees (including 18 women and 30 children) returned to the Syrian Arab Republic from the territory of Lebanon through the Jaydet Yabus and Tell Kalah checkpoints. There was no withdrawal of refugees from Jordan through the Nasib checkpoint," the center said in a statement.
Russia, Turkey, and Iran are the ceasefire guarantors in conflict-affected Syria. Russia regularly carries out humanitarian operations across the country and helps Damascus provide safe passage for the return of Syrian refugees. (ANI/Sputnik)