Satellite images show destruction by Myanmar military in Chin state

Nov 09, 2021

Naypyitaw [Myanmar], November 9 : Satellite images show heavy destruction caused by the Myanmar military in sections of Chin state where clashes between the soldiers and anti-junta forces escalated after a coup overthrew the democratically elected government.
This was the second time when the junta undertook an arson attack in Chin state, Radio Free Asia reported.
Regime soldiers entered Chin's Thantlang township on October 29, began looting the property of residents, and then set at least 200 houses on fire, witnesses were quoted as saying by Radio Free Asia.
The destruction was also condemned by New York-based Human Rights Watch as "a crime against humanity."
The US State Department also said that the international community must "hold the Burmese military accountable and take action to prevent gross violations and abuses of human rights."
The torching of these 200 houses came a month after junta troops had burned 18 houses and a hotel forcing residents to flee across the border to India's Mizoram state, Radio Free Asia reported.
The military has denied carrying out the arson attacks,
Meanwhile, Myanmar military has killed at least 1,244 people since February 1 while arresting 9,907 people in the country, Assistance Association for Political Prisoners informed.
Myanmar has been in turmoil since the coup on February 1, when the Myanmar military led by Senior General Ming Aung Hlaing overthrew the civilian government and declared a year-long state of emergency. The coup triggered mass protests and was met by deadly violence.