Scott Morrison eases COVID-19 restrictions on restaurants, cafes under Stage1 plans to restart Australian economy
May 08, 2020

Canberra [Australia], May 8 : Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Friday afternoon announced a three-stage plan to lift Australia's coronavirus restrictions.
Following a meeting of National Cabinet comprised of the prime minister as well as state and territory leaders, Morrison announced the plan to restart Australia's economy by July, Xinhua news agency reported.
Under stage one, restaurants and cafes will be allowed to re-open, and Australians will be allowed to have up to five visitors in their home and gather in groups of 10 outdoors.
Morrison said it would be up to state and territory governments to decide when each stage comes into effect.
"National Cabinet agreed to a three-step plan and a national framework to achieve a COVID-safe economy and society," he said.
"It is our goal to move through all of these steps to achieve that COVID-safe economy in July of this year."
The maximum gathering size will be increased to 20, some interstate travel will be allowed and gyms, cinemas, galleries and beauty parlours will re-open under stage two.
Step three will see people return to workplaces and gatherings of up to 100 people allowed and pubs to reopen.
The global death toll from coronavirus has passed 269,000. There are more than 3.8 million known cases of infection and at least 1.2 million people have recovered, according to the Johns Hopkins University tally
In Australia, the death toll stands at 97 and there have been 6912 confirmed cases, of which more than 6000 have recovered, as per Sydney Morning Herald.
The Reserve Bank has warned unemployment will be at 9 per cent at Christmas while the business sector could take years to fully re-start its investment plans.
The contact tracing COVIDSafe app will be operational, and its source code partially released, by the end of the day as it reaches five million downloads.