Special court issues summons to Subramanian Swamy in defamation case filed by BJP leader Tajinder Bagga

Mar 22, 2022

New Delhi [India], March 22 : The Rouse Avenue Court on Tuesday issued summons to Rajya Sabha MP Subramanian Swamy in a defamation complaint filed by BJP leader Tajinder Bagga.
Tajinder Bagga had recently moved the court against Swamy for a controversial tweet. Bagga before the court had submitted that the contents of the said tweet were absolutely false and incorrect and were solely made to harm the reputation of the complainant and to defame him.
The Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate (ACMM), Dharmender Singh, on Tuesday, while issuing summons said that this court is of the considered view that in the present case, there are sufficient grounds for proceedings against the respondent (Subramanian Swamy)."
"In view of allegations made in the complaint, testimonies of witnesses and material brought on record by them this court is prima facie satisfied that there are sufficient grounds for the summoning of the respondent as accused qua offence punishable u/s 500 IPC", Court said.
The complainant had alleged that on 28.09.2021, the respondent made the following tweet
on his Twitter handle @Swamy39 and which was read by thousands of followers of the respondent, which indicates the outreach of said tweet. The tweet was, "Delhi journalists inform me that before joining the BJP, Tajinder Bagga had been jailed many times for petty crimes by the New Delhi Mandir Marg Police Station. True? If so, Nadda should know".
The complainant, Tajinder Bagga, submitted that the contents of the said tweet were absolutely false and incorrect and were solely made to harm the reputation of the complainant and to defame him.
He also submitted that no FIR or any written complaint bearing any DD No. was registered/lodged against the complainant at PS Mandir Marg. It is submitted that the complainant was never arrested for any crime by Mandir Marg Police Station.
The complainant also submitted that after the publication of the said tweet, the complainant was summoned by his party senior, Parveen Shankar Kapoor (Head, Media Relations, Delhi BJP), and was asked to explain the truth and veracity of said tweet, and the complainant refuted the contents of said tweet.
It was alleged that tweet dated 28.09.2021 made by the respondent is absolutely false and incorrect and has been made to harm the reputation of the complainant and to defame him in the eyes of the general public and thereby, the respondent has committed the offence punishable by u/s 500 IPC. By way of present complaint u/s 200 Cr.PC, prayer has been made to prosecute the respondent in respect of said offence, the court noted.