States will suffer economic losses due to farm bills: Baghel

Sep 24, 2020

Raipur (Chhattisgarh) [India], September 24 : Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on Thursday said that the central government brought farm bills without the consent of state governments and they will suffer economic losses due to the legislations.
Baghel said agriculture is a state subject and the central government came up with new bills without the consent of states. He said the move was against the federal structure of the Constitution.
"The state governments will suffer economic losses. Earlier, the state government used to get market tax which they used to pay salary to staff and do construction work. States will lose money in crores," Baghel told reporters here.
The Farmers' Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Bill, 2020 and the Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement of Price Assurance and Farm Services Bill, 2020 were passed by Parliament on Sunday. Another bill to amend the Essential Services Commodities Act was also passed.
Baghel said termed the farm bills as "black bills" and said they will destroy the existing agriculture market system.
Noting that anyone can now buy foodgrains with the pan card and does not need a license, he said people can buy produce at a higher rate outside the market.
Baghel said farmers will stop going to agriculture markets and market system will collapse. "Then the real face of the government will come out in front of everyone," he said.
"Earlier, market secretary used to resolve any issue within seven days. According to this bill, SDM will form a committee to resolve the issues but it will take a long time," he added.
He claimed that "farmers will turn into labourers in their own fields through these bills".
The Chief Minister said there is no mention of MSP in the bills. "For contract farming, they have to mention a clause, that you can't buy crops below MSP. They sold the airports, railway stations and now their eye is on the lands of the farmers," he alleged.