'Stay peaceful!' Trump urges protesters to maintain law and order in Washington

Jan 06, 2021

Washington [US], January 7 : As violent protests broke out in Washington near the US Capitol building, President Donald Trump on Wednesday (local time) urged the protesters to abstain from violence and support law and order.
Taking to Twitter, Trump urged the people to remain peaceful and support the Capitol police and law enforcement, after his supporters broke in the Capitol in an attempt to try to overturn the results of the presidential election.
"Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!" he tweeted.
"I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order - respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!" he said in another tweet.
Meanwhile, Democrat Representative Chellie Pingree blamed the chaos on Trump, adding that he was determined to undermine the peaceful transfer of power.
"Office buildings in the Capitol complex have been evacuated. This unprecedented lawlessness was incited by our outgoing President because he is determined to undermine the peaceful transfer of power," she tweeted.
Republican Representative Adam Kinzinger called the protests a 'coup attempt' and slammed Trump.
"You are not protecting the country. Where is the DC guard? You are done and your legacy will be a disaster," he tweeted.
A crowd of Trump supporters estimated to be in the thousands travelled to Washington on Wednesday to pressure lawmakers and Vice President Pence to overturn the results of the election. Pence noted earlier in the day that he does not have the power to object to electors, reported The Hill.
Protesters could be seen pushing against metal fences, and police using the fences to push protesters back, while other officers reached over the top to club people trying to cross their lines.
In some instances, law enforcement officers were seen deploying pepper spray, while the use of flash bangs and tear gas was also witnessed, reported CNN.
Fox News reported citing a congressional source that the Cannon House Office Building and Madison Library of Congress Building were briefly evacuated because of a bomb threat after several suspicious packages were reportedly found in the area.
The development comes as scores of Republicans have pledged to challenge the Electoral College's vote for Biden when Congress convenes for a joint session on Wednesday.