Sukh-Ashray Yojana will ensure better life and education for destitute children in Himachal Pradesh, says CM Sukhu
Apr 07, 2023

Shimla(Himachal Pradesh)[India], April 7: Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh Sukhvinder Sing Sukhu said that Sukh-Ashray Yojana will ensure better life and education for orphans and the destitute. He said that Sukh- Ashray Yojana addresses a long-neglected issue. He said that in order to benefit deprived and needy children and to improve the quality of their lives the Government has started the Yojana which has now been given a legal shape during the budget session.
The Himachal Pradesh Sukh-Ashraya (Care, Protection and Self-Reliance of Children) Bill, 2023 will make the destitute children the responsibility of the state government, said the Chief Minister. He said that 6,000 destitute children of the state have been adopted as 'Children of the State'. These children would now be supported by the government to become self-reliant and not be dependent on the mercy of society. The state government will make every possible effort to nurture these children as guardians besides helping them reintegrate into the mainstream of society, said the Chief Minister.
He said that the bill aims to provide proper care protection, development and self-reliance to orphans, semi-orphans and specially-abled children in need besides a provision to provide clothing allowance and festival allowance to the children residing in the Child Care and After Care Institutions. These children would also be provided with an opportunity for annual exposure visits within and outside the state.
Additionally, recurring deposit accounts for each child would be opened, with the State Government contributing to these accounts, said the Chief Minister. The State Government would be providing shelter, food, clothing etc. till the age of 27 years along with higher education, vocational training, skill development and coaching facilities. Apart from stipends to meet their personal expense the government will also provide them with financial assistance to establish their own start-ups. The bill also has a provision for three Biswas land allotments and housing grants to landless orphans, added the Chief Minister.