Taliban arrests 11 IS suspects in central Daikundi province

Nov 16, 2021

Kabul [Afghanistan], November 16 : The Taliban's officials in central Daikundi province said that they arrested 11 people who are suspected to be affiliates of ISIS-K, the terror group which recently speeded its attacks in Afghanistan after the Taliban took control of it, reported local media.
The officials said that the suspects are from Helmand, Ghazni, and Urozgan provinces but added that further investigations have been started, said Khaama Press.
Weapons of the suspects have been seized by the Taliban.
A few days back, the Taliban arrested ten ISIS-K affiliates and killed three more during large-scale operations in Kandahar province.
The four hideouts of the ISIS-K have been eliminated in the province, according to the Taliban's officials in Kandahar province.
Islamic State of Iraq and Syria-Khorasan branch is now the only terror group that operates against the Taliban in Afghanistan and inflicts causalities on civilians people mainly the Shia Muslims, according to Khaama Press.