Taliban 'victory' in Afghanistan a victory for entire Muslim people: TTP terror outfit in Pakistan

Jul 28, 2021

Kabul [Afghanistan] July 28 : Pakistan-based terror group Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) leader Noor Wali Mehsud has said that their relations with the Afghan Taliban are "based on brotherhood, sympathy, and Islamic principles".
Mehsud said, "Victory of the Afghan Taliban in Afghanistan is not limited to the country but it is a victory for the entire Muslim people in the world, Khamma Press reported.
Mehsud was interviewed by CNN through intermediaries somewhere along the Pak-Afghan border, the report said.
Meanwhile, the reports suggest that at least 1,000 Pakistani terrorists enter Afghanistan every day through Spin Boldak border district, which was captured by the Taliban last week.
Afghan officials have also accused Pakistan of providing air support to the Taliban and threatening to hit back if Afghan forces try to retake the Spin Boldak border area.
In the past few weeks, Afghanistan has witnessed a surge in violence as the Taliban has intensified their offensive against civilians and Afghan security forces with the complete pullback of foreign forces just a few weeks away.
Pakistan-based terror group Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has maintained ties with the Taliban as about 6,000 of its terrorists are on the Afghan side of the border, Dawn reported citing a report prepared for the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).
UN monitors note that TTP "has distinctive anti-Pakistan objectives but also supports the Afghan Taliban militarily inside Afghanistan against Afghan government forces".
The emergence and existence of Taliban-linked groups like the Al-Qaeda-linked Tehreek-i-Taliban (TTP) in Pakistan, of course, is rooted in Pakistan's participation in the US-led global "war on terror." Most Taliban groups in Pakistan are under the TTP's umbrella.