Tamil Nadu's COVID-19 cases near the 2-lakh mark, tally stands at 1,99,749
Jul 24, 2020
Chennai (Tamil Nadu) [India], July 24 : Tamil Nadu on Friday reported 6,785 more COVID-19 cases taking the state's total coronavirus cases closer to the two lakh-mark at 1,99,749.
In a bulletin released by the state health department, there are 53,132 active cases and 1,43,297 patients have recovered from the infection, as of Friday.
The bulletin further informed that 88 deaths due to COVID-19 were reported today, taking the total deaths due to coronavirus to 3,320.
65,150 samples were tested today and a total of 21,38,704 samples have been tested to date, read the bulletin.
The total COVID-19 positive cases stand at 12,87,945 including 4,40,135 active cases, 8,17,209 cured/discharged/migrated. With 740 deaths in the last 24 hours, the cumulative toll reached 30,601.