Tesla accused of firing union supporters days after organising effort starts: Report

Feb 17, 2023

New York [US], February 17 : Tesla has fired more than 30 supporters of a nascent union at its Buffalo facility, just days after the organising effort was announced, according to the union.
The union, Tesla Workers United, has filed a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board alleging the company illegally fired its supporters, CNN Business reported on Friday.
The complaint lists the names of 18 employees it charges were fired "in retaliation for union activity and to discourage union activity." But a statement from the union said that more than 30 employees were fired. It said the firings came on the heels of the union organising effort announced earlier this week.
"I feel blindsided," said Arian Berek, one of the fired employees quoted in the union's statement. "I got Covid and was out of the office, then I had to take bereavement leave. I returned to work, was told I was exceeding expectations and then Wednesday came along. I strongly feel this is in retaliation to the committee announcement and it's shameful."
The people fired worked on labelling data collected as part of Tesla's Autopilot technology, according to CNN Business. Tesla CEO Elon Musk has praised the work of this group, saying that it is the "Holy Grail" of the company's self-driving technology.
"We're getting quite good at auto labelling," he told investors in April 2021. "The trainers train the training system and then the system auto labels the data and then the human laborers just need to look at the labeling to confirm that it is correct and perhaps make edits."
But union supporters object to productivity expectations they describe as "unfair, unattainable, ambiguous and ever changing." They also object to the company allegedly monitoring their keystrokes to measure their work, according to CNN Business.
"We're angry. This won't slow us down. This won't stop us. They want us to be scared, but I think they just started a stampede. We can do this. But I believe we will do this," said Sara Costantino, a current Tesla employee and organising committee member, in the union's statement.
The plant in Buffalo does not build cars. In addition to the Autopilot labelling work, it builds solar panels and related products, CNN Business said.
The new union is receiving support from the Starbucks Workers United union, which has organised more than 200 Starbucks stores in just over a year, and the Service Employees International Union, according to CNN Business. Starbucks Workers United's first victory came in Buffalo, and it is particularly strong in Western New York.
In the past, CNN Business said Tesla had been accused of illegally firing union supporters at its plant in California, its first to build cars. But efforts to organise that plant have fallen short of the union's filing to hold votes among employees there. Musk has repeatedly criticised unions in tweets, one of which the NLRB ordered him to delete three years after it was posted.
In a Thursday blog post, Tesla said it was a "false allegation" that it "terminated employees in response to a new union campaign." It attributed the firings to poor performance reviews.