'Tough road ahead for Pakistan's Imran Khan government'
Jan 31, 2022

Islamabad [Pakistan], January 31 : Imran Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)'s government growing nervousness and apprehension about its political future has cast renewed doubt about its ability to lead for the remaining duration of its term and so to return as incumbent after the next year general elections scheduled in October.
First, Imran Khan's interview this month has been the subject of much media comment and fuelled intense political speculation. From defending his government's economic record in the face of rising public anger with soaring inflation, the prime minister kept veering off track to assail the opposition and repeat his familiar mantra about never engaging with corrupt opposition leaders, as noted by Dawn.
Further, the resignation of Imran Khan's accountability adviser Shahzad Akbhar has given the fodder for the opposition to target the incumbent government which is reeling under pressure on that front.
Against the backdrop the road ahead to next year general elections for Imran Khan and his party is strewn with hurdles and difficulties.
Meanwhile, the local elections setback in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP)'s have urged Imran Khan to dissolve all PTI organisations across the country in late December.
However, new office bearers appointed at the national and provincial level are far from being experienced organisation figures. Moreover, leaving two lackluster and weak chief ministers in place in Punjab and KP does little to strengthen the party or improve its political prospects.
An overhaul of the cabinet is needed as this is the team Khan will take to the general election. In terms of message, team and organisation the ruling party has much work to do before the perception takes wider hold that it is incapable of delivering and unfit to govern, according to Dawn.