UK records another 18,662 coronavirus cases, ministers back plan to allow small Christmas gatherings

Nov 23, 2020

London [UK], November 23 (ANI/Xinhua): Another 18,662 people in Britain have tested positive for the COVID-19, bringing the total number of coronavirus cases in the country to 1,512,045, according to official figures released Sunday.
The coronavirus-related deaths in Britain rose by 398 to 55,024, the data showed.
Amid this, ministers from England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland on Sunday backed plans to allow different households to meet "for a small number of days" over Christmas.
According to the Cabinet Office, ministers from England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have endorsed a "shared objective of facilitating some limited additional household bubbling for a small number of days".
Meanwhile, the ministers also emphasised that the public should "remain cautious", and that "wherever possible people should avoid travelling and minimise social contact".
The ministers' agreement came as British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is reported to unveil his anti-coronavirus plan for winter on Monday, possibly with the details of restrictions during the Christmas season. (ANI/Xinhua)