UK will consider further action against those crushing democracy in Myanmar, says foreign secy

Feb 20, 2021

London [UK], February 21 : After the Myanmar police opened fire on pro-democracy protesters in the city of Mandalay, UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab Sunday condemned the shooting and said the UK will consider further action against those crushing democracy.
"The shooting of peaceful protesters in Myanmar is beyond the pale. We will consider further action, with our international partners, against those crushing democracy and choking dissent," Dominic Raab wrote in a tweet.
The Bangkok Post citing local media reported that at least five people were injured by rubber bullets, a photographer at the scene reported, while emergency medical staff treating the injured confirmed at least six others were shot with live rounds.
However, two people were killed, said the witnesses.
The violence also comes as the first casualty of the ongoing pro-democracy protests was reported in Naypyitaw.
Over 1,000 demonstrators gathered at the shipyard to block the police, leading to a tense standoff that lasted Saturday afternoon. The authorities used water cannon, rubber bullets, tear gas, slingshots, and ultimately live ammunition to break up the crowd, witnesses said.
On February 1, Myanmar's military overthrew the government and declared a year-long state of emergency hours before the newly-elected parliament was due to convene. State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi and President Win Myint, along with other top officials accused of election fraud, have been placed under house arrest. The coup triggered mass protests across the country.
According to Sputnik, at least 150 people have suffered injuries during intense demonstrations across the country.