UNGA President Korosi says integrated water management has guided India's priorities, lauds Namami Gange programme

Mar 04, 2023

New Delhi [India], March 4 : United Nations General Assembly President Csaba Korosi, has called for integrating water and climate policies, moving beyond reactive water management and establishing a global water information system to support predictability and resilience.
In a video message for the Eighth Edition of the Raisina Dialogue, he said the forum offers an opportunity to discuss game-changing ideas with the potential to tackle emerging global challenges in the context of complex and interconnected crises.
He said integrated water management has guided India's priorities, informed the design of its flagship programmes and the country has focused on universalising access to water and sanitation .
"During my recent visit to India, I witnessed several transformational ideas related to water - SDG 6. India is home to 18 per cent of the global population yet has only four per cent of the global freshwater resources, making it among the most water-stressed countries globally. Integrated water management has guided India's priorities and informed the design of its flagship programmes. Aligned with the goals of the Water Action Decade, India has focused on universalising access to water and sanitation," he said.
Csaba Korosi, who is President of the 77th session of the General Assembly, said the Namami Gange programme for abatement of pollution and rejuvenation of the Ganges is one of many inspiring stories that are changing lives on the ground.
"And for me, it was truly inspiring to see how Bengaluru has been able to solve its problem with treated wastewater by channelling it to serve the irrigation needs of the city's surroundings."
He said looking ahead to this year, there are many opportunities for transformation.
He said UN Water Conference will be held in about three weeks and it is the first such event in over four decades.
"I am sure that it will bring a new 'Paris moment', this time for water action. We need to raise the level 'of our ambition to achieve the promise of SDG 6. To do so, let us pursue the gamechangers. We need to analyze, rethink and innovate our national policy frameworks to ensure that we are less exposed to external shocks - whether pandemic related, financial or societal. We can be less vulnerable and more resilient only if we ensure that climate and water-related policies are integrated.
The UN General Assembly President said that SDG framework and effective water management are interdependent.
He said the UN Water Conference will be the moment to break through the limits of thinking on water to move beyond reactive water management and take proactive steps in the struggle to resolve the water crisis.
"We are more effective when we cooperate. A global water information system is a solution that would strengthen both the information base we need to reduce vulnerability, and the solidarity that would make us more resilient. Together with the 'Early Warnings for All' initiative, these systems would save lives and property, enhance planning and boost investment," he said.
"I call on you to help integrating water and climate policies, moving beyond reactive water management and establishing a global water information system to support predictability and resilience," he added.
Csaba Korosi said the world should commit to the transformations needed to make 'Water for All' a reality.
"As Mahatma Gandhi said: 'The future depends on what we do in the present.' And the present is upon us," he said.