UNSC adopts resolution to continue cross-border aid deliveries to Syria
Jul 12, 2020

New York [United States], July 12 (Sputnik/ ANI): The UN Security Council (UNSC) has adopted a resolution to extend the work of one Syria-Turkey cross-border point for one year in order to ensure humanitarian aid deliveries to Syria, German Ambassador to the United Nations Christoph Heusgen has announced.
"Twelve members of the Security Council voted for the resolution ... the resolution submitted by Belgium and Germany has been adopted," Heusgen said on Saturday.
On Friday, the UN mandates for the Bab al-Hawa and Bab al-Salam crossings from Turkey expired. Belgium and Germany initially insisted that the mandates for both of the crossings be extended, but then agreed with Russia's position to continue the work of the Bab al-Hawa crossing alone (until July 10, 2021).
On Tuesday, Russia and China vetoed a draft submitted by Belgium and Germany that would have extended humanitarian deliveries into Syria from Turkey for a year through both of the checkpoints. On Friday, the UNSC was unable to adopt a resolution drafted by Russia that would have extended cross-border humanitarian aid deliveries into northwest Syria for a year from only the Bab al-Hawa checkpoint in Turkey. (Sputnik/ ANI)