UNSC extends peacekeeping mission in CAR for 1 year, Russia, China abstain

Nov 13, 2021

New York [US], November 13 (ANI/Sputnik): The UN Security Council adopted a resolution on Friday extending for another year the mandate of the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA), with Russia and China abstaining.
The text of the resolution "decides to extend the mandate of MINUSCA until November 15, 2022."
MINUSCA will continue to be composed of up to 14,400 military and 3,020 police personnel, and intends to keep this number under continuous review, the document reads.
The resolution was supported by 13 members of the UN Security Council. Russia cited concerns that the peacekeeping mission has been a "source of scandal" on numerous occasions, such as allegations of sexual misconduct and more recent claims of diamond smuggling out of the country, since its establishment in 2014.
"We note that the constant negative background surrounding MINUSCA is hampering the Security Council and undermines trust in the UN itself," Russian Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Anna Evstigneeva, said after the vote.
"We can't call its work competent and we are going to carefully monitor the situation," she added.
Earlier in the month, media reported that police were investigating the alleged involvement of Portuguese peacekeepers from MINUSCA in the smuggling of diamonds and gold into European countries. (ANI/Sputnik)