US Ambassador-designate Eric Garcetti arrives in India, takes over as new envoy

Apr 14, 2023

New Delhi [India], April 14 : The pink auto has again taken the route of the US Embassy in India and this time, dropped off America's ambassador-designate Eric Garcetti, who is all set to take over as the new envoy.
"Excitement fills the air as we welcome Ambassador-Designate Eric Garcetti to India! We are excited to personally greet him and confident the U.S.-India partnership will advance through his leadership. #USIndiaTogether," US Embassy in India tweeted.
Garcetti, who arrived in India on Tuesday, came in a "pink auto" and met all the members of the Embassy, according to the video shared by US Embassy in India on its official Twitter account.

On Garcetti's arrival in India, Indian Embassy in the US tweeted, "Namaste, Ambassador-Designate Eric Garcetti! We're thrilled to welcome you to #IncredibleIndia and work with you to build even stronger ties between our two great nations."
On March 24, Garcetti was sworn in by US Vice President Kamala Harris as the new US Ambassador to India. Garcetti during the oath-taking ceremony, said: "I Eric M. Garcetti, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter."
The Senate on March 15 (Local Time) confirmed the former mayor of Los Angeles, Eris Garcetti, to be the US ambassador to India.
Garcetti won the mandate by a vote of 52 to 42, a major victory for US President Joe Biden as well, who stuck by his political ally in the face of the allegations and the prolonged process that has left the world's most populous democracies without US representatives.
After the result, Garcetti said in a statement, "I'm thrilled with today's outcome, which was a decisive and bipartisan decision to fill a critical post that has been vacant for far too long. Now the hard work begins."
"I'm deeply grateful to President Biden and the White House for the confidence and support throughout this process, and to all Senators on both sides of the aisle -- whether they voted for me or not -- for their thoughtful consideration. I'm ready and eager to begin my service representing our critical interests in India," he added.
Earlier, the Senate voted 52-42 giving the advantage to the former Los Angeles mayor's nomination.
Senate Foreign Relations Committee also voted in favour of the former Los Angeles Mayor to become the ambassador of India. The panel approved the nomination by a vote of 13-8, with Republican Senators Todd Young and Bill Hagerty joining all of the committee's Democrats in voting in favour of Garcetti.