US-based NGO report reveals widespread misuse of Pakistan's blasphemy laws

Sep 17, 2024

Islamabad [Pakistan], September 17 : A new report by Clooney Foundation for Justice (CFJ), a US-based nonprofit organisation that works to advance justice and protect human rights around the world, revealed that Pakistan's blasphemy laws are being misused.
Many defendants are facing false accusations, long legal battles, and extended pre-trial detention because judges are wary of upsetting religious groups, reported Voice of America (VOA).
The CFJ reported that 15 of the accused face mandatory death sentences if convicted. However, the report indicated that there has been minimal progress in most cases, with 217 out of 252 hearings being adjourned, which has resulted in many defendants remaining in pre-trial detention.
In Pakistan, making derogatory remarks about Islam or the Prophet Muhammad is punishable by death under the country's blasphemy laws, although no executions have ever been carried out under these laws.
The CFJ's report criticised these laws for their inconsistency with international standards, particularly the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).
According to Voice of America, the report found that many blasphemy accusations are poorly substantiated, with complainants frequently lacking direct evidence of the alleged acts and sometimes unable to identify the specific blasphemous statements.
Despite existing safeguards, such as the need for government approval to press charges, these procedures are often ignored. The report also noted that defendants are frequently arrested without warrants, denied bail, and face repeated adjournments due to absent witnesses, which prolongs their legal struggles.
The CFJ called for Pakistan to repeal its blasphemy laws, improve the standards for filing accusations, deter false claims, and reform court processes to avoid interminable delays.
The report also highlighted the increasing prevalence of mob violence against those accused of blasphemy, with some cases not even reaching trial.
Voice of America reported that Pakistani officials had not immediately responded to the CFJ's findings, which come ahead of the United Nations Human Rights Committee's review of Pakistan scheduled for October 17.
The report follows recent incidents, including the killing of a man in Balochistan by a police officer while he was in custody on blasphemy charges. The victim, a Muslim, was arrested for allegedly making derogatory remarks about the Prophet Muhammad.
Earlier in June, a 73-year-old Christian man died in Punjab after being attacked by a mob for allegedly insulting Islam. Additionally, a Muslim man was lynched in Swat Valley, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, after being accused of desecrating the Quran.