US Navy prepares to ban all displays of Confederate battle flags: Naval Operations Chief

Jun 09, 2020

Washington D.C. [US], June 10 (Sputnik/ANI): The US Navy is preparing an order to prohibit the flying of the Confederate battle flag from the 1861-65 Civil War on any of its ships, buildings, installations or aircraft, Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Michael Gilday said in a statement.
"Today, I directed my staff to begin crafting an order that would prohibit the Confederate battle flag from all public spaces and work areas aboard Navy installations, ships, aircraft and submarines," Gilday said via Twitter on Tuesday.
Gilday issued the message as nationwide protests continued prompted by the death of African-American George Floyd in police custody.
"The order is meant to ensure unit cohesion, preserve good order and discipline, and uphold the Navy's core values of honor, courage and commitment," Gilday said.
Some Americans view the Confederate flag with pride in their heritage and a reminder of the states' rights in the US federation. However, others associate it with slavery and racism at the time of the Civil War, and later an expression of the policies of segregation of African-Americans in the United States as well as with treason. (Sputnik/ANI)