US vows 'ironclad' defence of Philippines, Japan amid growing China provocations

Apr 12, 2024

Washington, DC [US], April 12 : The United States' defence commitments to Japan and the Philippines are "ironclad," US President Joe Biden said on Thursday as he hosted the first-ever trilateral summit between the three countries, welcoming Filipino President Ferdinand Marcos Jr to the White House a day after the official visit of Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, CNN reported.
The US-Japan-Philippines trilateral comes after the creation of groupings in the Indo-Pacific, starting with the Quad, comprising India, the US, Australia and Japan, and the AUKUS, consisting of Australia, the US and the UK, amid increasing concerns over China's military muscle-flexing in the region.
"When we stand as one, we're able to forge a better future for all," Biden said in the East Room of the White House Thursday.
According to CNN, tensions between the Philippines and China have been focused on the Second Thomas Shoal, situated approximately 200 kilometres off the coast of Palawan, Philippines. In the 1990s, the Philippines intentionally grounded an aging World War II-era navy transport ship on the shoal to reinforce its territorial claim. The ship is now mostly a rusted wreckage and is manned by Filipino marines stationed on rotation.
Meanwhile, China asserts sovereignty over the shoal, located within the Philippines' exclusive economic zone, as part of its broader claims in the South China Sea, disregarding an international arbitration ruling.
Recent clashes have occurred when Philippine attempts to resupply the forces on the ship have been met by China Coast Guard ships firing water cannons at the Philippine resupply boats, resulting in injuries to Filipino sailors and damage to the vessels, as per CNN.
Biden said on Thursday, referencing the Filipino-Chinese tensions, that "any attack on Philippine aircraft, vessels or armed forces in the South China Sea would invoke our mutual defence treaty."
The 1951 mutual defence treaty between the US and the Philippines, the oldest of its kind in the Asia-Pacific region, obligates both nations to come to each other's defence in the event of an attack by a third party.
Thursday's meeting signifies the administration's ongoing efforts to address Chinese aggression, with a senior administration official expressing deep concern over China's actions in the South China Sea, and affirming at the head of the meeting that the White House is very concerned by China's actions in the South China Sea.
"What you'll see is a clear demonstration of support and resolve from both President Biden and Prime Minister Kishida that we stand shoulder to shoulder with Marcos, ready to support and work with the Philippines at every turn," one official said ahead of Thursday's meeting.
Marcos said on Thursday that the Philippines, Japan and the United States "meet today as friends and partners bound by a shared vision in pursuit of a peaceful, stable and prosperous Indo-Pacific."
The three countries, Marcos added, are "linked by a profound respect for democracy, good governance and the rule of law."
The meeting coincides with heightened concerns over China's assertive stance towards Taiwan and the South China Sea, coupled with nuclear provocations from North Korea and its evolving ties with Russia. These concerns have prompted regional allies to draw closer to the US.
Japan has emerged as a focal point in President Biden's efforts to strengthen alliances in the Indo-Pacific. Prime Minister Kishida has been viewed as a cooperative partner, having made significant adjustments to Japan's defence strategy in recent years. Additionally, Japan has provided ongoing support to Ukraine in the wake of Russia's invasion, demonstrating its commitment to international security. Kishida has pledged to increase defence spending to 2 per cent of GDP by 2037 and has bolstered Japan's counterstrike capabilities by acquiring American Tomahawk missiles.
Biden hosted Marcos at the White House last year, showing his intent to reestablish strong ties with Manila that had frayed under former President Rodrigo Duterte, who sought closer relations with China.
"We're going to continue to support the Philippines military's modernization goals," Biden told the visiting leader during that visit, pledging the two nations "not only share a strong partnership, we share a deep friendship, one that has been enriched by millions of Filipino Americans in the communities all across the United States."
A highlight of Thursday's meeting was several announcements meant to bolster the Philippines.
A senior administration official also said that on Thursday, the White House will be announcing a new infrastructure project in the Philippines. CNN reported earlier this week that one of the announcements will be the development of a new rail and shipping corridor between the Philippines's Clark Air Base and Subic Naval Base, a move that's meant to send a clear message to Beijing.
Biden briefly referenced that economic corridor on Thursday: "It means more jobs for people across the entire region," he said. "It means more investment in sectors critical to our future: clean energy, ports, railroads, agriculture and much more."
The White House is also expected to increase the Filipino military's capability with a new infrastructure investment similar to what the US announced in India in the lead-up to the G20.
In the days leading up to the summit, the US, Japan and the Philippines along with Australia, conducted maritime military exercises near the Philippines' Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), after Philippine vessels had alleged "harassment" by Chinese ships in the South China Sea.
The senior official added that the White House will also be making announcements about "Open Radio Access Network technology" and that both the US and Japan will be providing millions of dollars in funding.
Officials also said they will announce an upcoming Coast Guard patrol in the Indo-Pacific that will take place "in the coming year."