With 3,615 new COVID-19 cases, Odisha's tally reaches 2,22,734

Oct 01, 2020

Bhubaneswar (Odisha) [India], October 1 : Odisha reported 3,615 new COVID-19 cases, 4,219 recoveries and 17 deaths on Wednesday, said State Health Department.
The total number of cases rose to 2,22,734 including 1,85,700 recoveries, 36,122 active cases and 859 deaths, according to the State Health Department.
Meanwhile, with an increase of 86,821 new cases and 1,181 deaths reported in the last 24 hours, India's COVID-19 count crossed the 63-lakh mark on Thursday, according to the Union Health Ministry.
As per the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), the count stands at 63,12,585 in the country including 9,40,705 active cases, and 52,73,202 cured and discharged or migrated patients.
With 1,181 deaths reported, the toll due to the disease has now reached 98,678 in the country.