Zambia in talks with Russia on accessing Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine

Nov 09, 2020

Lusaka [Zambia], November 9 (ANI/Sputnik): Zambia is eager to get Russia's Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine as soon as it hits the market, the African nation's ambassador told Sputnik, adding that health ministers of the two countries were already in talks on the matter.
"The Russian government has already exchanged correspondence with the Zambian government regarding rolling out of this vaccine. We are anxiously following the process of rolling out of the Sputnik V vaccine on the market so that we can access it," Shadreck Luwita said in an interview.
Russia became the first country to register a vaccine against COVID-19. It started rolling out Sputnik V before the end of the third phase of clinical trials.
Zambia is very interested in the medicine and is waiting for it to go on the international market, the ambassador confirmed to Sputnik.
"The two ministries of health are liaising on this matter," the diplomat said.
He admitted that it had been difficult to schedule any official visits amid the pandemic.
"That's why the issue of the vaccine is crucial, as it will unlock everything, which has come to a standstill," Luwita said.
Zambia has recorded 16,770 cumulative cases and 349 deaths. The incidence is 88.9 cases per 100,000 population, according to the World Health Organization's latest figures. (ANI/Sputnik)