“Pak Army joined hands with TTP…” Activist exposes Pak’s human rights abuses against Pashtuns

Jun 30, 2024

Geneva, Switzerland, June 29 (ANI): Fazal Ur Rehman Afridi, Executive Director of the Khyber Institute and PTM representative for Europe has raised concerns about the ongoing protests by Pashtuns against the stringent visa regulations imposed by the Pakistani government. “We have protested against it, but the Pakistan Army has joined hands with TTP and re-settled their families in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Now, the Pakistan army is announcing operations in which the Pashtuns are going to suffer. Pakistan’s economy is a war economy, either waging war inside the country or continuing proxy wars against others. Pashtuns are facing a genocide for the past 20 years, and it will see a sudden rise. We want to inform the international community, especially regional powers, to interfere and protect the Pashtuns…The historical nations have no relevance in this country. They have realized that the right of self-determination is the only way forward. We request the international community to help us as we are being tortured, facing enforced disappearances, and our businesses are being destroyed. Terrorism is on the rise in Pakistan, and it continues to carry out genocide of the Baloch, Pashtuns, Sindhis, and Kashmiris,” said Fazal Ur Rehman Afridi