Sam Pitroda hits at BJP govt, says democracy has been hijacked

Apr 26, 2019

Jaipur (Rajasthan), Apr 26 (ANI): Chairman of Indian Overseas Congress Department Sam Pitroda hit at Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government and its work-style of last 5 years. Pitroda said, “In these 5 years, we saw that lots of promises were made. They said, they would make 100 smart cities, they’d create 100 million jobs, they’d bring back the black money but when we look at the record of this government, it is very clear that nothing has been accomplished, except lots of false promises. They lied to people, provoked them and sometime people consider these lies as truth. You even witnessed what happened after demonetisation, after GST. I even talked to a businessman while I was in airport and he told me how small businesses got affected in these 5 years. In a sense, according to me, democracy has been hijacked, freedom has been curbed, very few people are willing to speak up, media, according to me, has not been very fair. The truth didn’t get the space, it should get. ”